Best Practices for Travelling Internationally During COVID-19
It’s important to commit a few basic COVID-19 considerations and best safety practices to memory before embarking on an international journey. The COVID-19 situation is rapidly developing all around the globe and country-specific updates are coming in at a very fast rate. Whether you need to travel for business or leisure, make a conscious effort to read about the countries you’re flying to.
We highly recommend that you research the risks of travelling during a pandemic thoroughly so you have an idea what to expect. After all, the only reliable way to mitigate the spread of the corona virus is to stay home and reduce physical contact with others. While this may sound like an obvious rule, it’s much harder to implement when travelling across globe and visiting foreign countries.
Please refrain from travelling if you’re worried about contracting the virus, protecting your loved ones, and flattening the curve. There will be plenty of time to explore the world once the threat of COVID-19 diminishes.
There are a few proven methods that you could implement to lower your risk of contracting the virus while traveling abroad. While we are still under periodic lockdowns with constantly changing rules, it’s vital to do everything you can to protect yourself in a foreign country. Keep in mind that none of these points are a direct substitute for professional or medical advice, and the act of travelling should be done sparingly.
1. Read About COVID-19 Compliance
Before you travel anywhere it’s of vital importance to know what you’re putting yourself into. Make sure to check your arrival destination country’s national COVID-19 policy to see how it differs from your home country. Here are a few things that we recommend you consider prior to booking trips:
- Changes to the target destination’s travel and visa policies
- COVID-19 testing requirements for departure and arrival
- Laws surrounding quarantine rulings
- Pandemic-inspired travel restrictions
- COVID-19 safety measures put in place by international airlines
2. Determine Your Virus Risk Tolerance
It’s widely regarded as a good idea to determine your susceptibility to the corona virus and its effects before you cross into a new territory. If you anticipate that COVID-19 will have a drastic impact on your health or the health of surrounding loved ones, you may need to postpone your trip to lower the risk of receiving it.
In order to get a more accurate analysis of your current health and ability to fight off infection, make sure to see a doctor before boarding any planes. A medical practitioner can help you determine your acceptable risk towards the virus by examining the various components that make up your physical health status.
3. Carry Sanitary Belongings
Everyone already knows about the importance of a passport, visa, and up to date medical prescriptions while traveling abroad. By this point, these are all travel necessities that remain fixed regardless of if there is a pandemic or not. COVID-19 however has shaken up what we now deem as “essential” for travelling, and to protect yourself from the virus you should consider these additions:
- Quality face coverings, masks, and gloves
- Disinfectant hand sanitizing gel
- Medicine to combat sickness
4. Cover Your Bases
In the event that you do receive COVID-19 from one source or another, it pays off to be forward-thinking and proactive about the situation. If you take all the necessary precautions beforehand, you’ll be much better off if you become sick.
The main thing you should seriously consider is the sort of medical travel insurance plan you’ve signed up for. Regardless of the type of plan you have, you should check with your provider to see what forms of coverage they offer for COVID-19. It’s certainly worth the added premiums to stay shielded abroad during a pandemic. You should also look into the nearby hospitals and medical facilities that are close to your accommodation.
5. Avoid Physical Cash Exchanges
If you can help it, stop using physical cash exchanges to acquire foreign currency. Whenever you obtain cash in-hand at a storefront, you have no idea if that money was properly sanitized or disinfected. There may be a possibility of spreading germs through unnecessary contact with foreign cash.
To make purchases overseas and also be protected from the potential virus-spreading implications of using cash, consider exchanging your money electronically in one swoop before you depart.
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FINAL THOUGHTS: Travelling Abroad During COVID-19 Restrictions
The importance of being aware and protected from COVID-19 cannot be overstated. Even though international travel seems very enticing, know the risks whenever you decide to leave your home. While regularly we would encourage travelling, during a pandemic it’s ultimately best to play it on the safe side. If you absolutely need to travel however, please use these preventative measures:
- Shield your nose/mouth with a face mask or other covering in a public situation
- Avoid crowded areas like clubs or malls and pursue social distance-friendly travel activities
- Remain a standard measurement of 6 feet away from another person whenever possible
- Do not visit or engage in contact with people who show symptoms
- Wash your hands thoroughly and often with a sanitizing agent
- Opt for contactless payment systems