KnightsbridgeFX Foreign Exchange Conversion - Convert USD to CAD

Do you need to travel and convert your CAD to USD or do you have USD left over and need to convert it to CAD?

Avoid bank fees because KnightsbridgeFX allows you to convert USD to CAD in real time and save up to 502.09 USD.

Up to 5x cheaper than banks
Compare our currency exchange rates with all the banks
Over $9.5bn transferred so far.
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Get the best foreign exchange rates without commissions

Banks charge high commissions for currency exchange and even if they offer you a considerable rate, they have minimum or maximum cash values to trade with. This may not be so convenient for you.

KnightsbridgeFX has rates up to 5 times lower that will help you save a lot of money when converting your Canadian dollars to USD.


How to convert CAD to USD

With our powerful calculator, you can easily convert CAD to USD or USD to CAD in seconds.

Simply enter the amount you want to convert in the corresponding field and choose the currency you want to convert (CAD to USD).

Our currency converter will do everything for you and show you the current exchange rate.

why curecy convertor

Use our savings calculator to see how much you can save on your next transaction

Take advantage of the best exchange rates when buying US real estate, moving to another country, sending money to family, and paying foreign tuition.

Free same-day transfers, no hidden fees and professional service.

Our converter uses mid-market rates. The rate is subject to change.

Interbank Rate: 1 CAD = 0.7028 USD


Your savings when exchanging with KnightsbridgeFX instead of your bank.

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exchange calculator cad to usd

How do we get the bank's exchange rates down?

Most people don't know how to exchange their USD to CAD while avoiding bank fees. We are constantly reviewing bank fees to offer better rates.

For you, who are looking to exchange your USD to CAD we have the best option for you.

why curecy convertor

Exchange rates change all the time

You've probably wondered why exchange rates change all the time. This is because the world currency market is also changing. When you want to exchange your Canadian dollar to USD you must make sure that the rate of the value of the USD is weak compared to the Canadian dollar. However, this is not always possible when you travel as each currency has its own value.

KnightsbridgeFX offers you the most convenient rate, as you’ve already seen in our currency calculator.

exchange calculator cad to usd

Do your research and you'll see that our rates are the best!

Before exchanging your CAD to USD or USD to CAD it is important that you do your research on the institution you plan to use to find out how much money you will get after the exchange. It is important to have the minimum and maximum rates that the institution can offer you so you can make the comparison.

Once you do this you will realize that KnightsbridgeFX is your best option!

save money

Save Money

If the place you are traveling to has a more valuable currency than the CAD, you need the best exchange rate to avoid losing money. Keep in mind that this rate will change when you return. The value of the Canadian dollar may have dropped or increased in value which will earn you a little more cash.

KnightsbridgeFX is a valuable source for evaluating the markets whether you want to convert CAD to USD or US to CAD you can save money by getting a more favorable exchange rate than the banks.

Stop overpaying with your bank on foreign exchange.
We are built to beat bank exchange rates and save you money.

Get started

Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange is registered and regulated by FINTRAC (a government of Canada agency). Like most financial institutions, we are required to validate the identity of all clients. We have strict measures in place to protect your privacy.

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There is no obligation
to transact and
no hidden fees.

We guarantee to
beat your bank's rate
100% of the time.

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