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Terry Ritchie,

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ESSEX: Currency Exchange (1-877-355-5239)

If you need foreign money to temporarily leave the country, whether it’s for recreational purposes or for business matters, it pays to be prepared. Many individuals so no immediate issue in leaving their currency conversions until the last minute, but seasoned travelers will know this is an unfavourable practice. Regardless of the places you’re visiting around the world, traveling should be about relaxation and learning, not worrying about every little cent spent. For that reason, we suggest creating a budget of all the necessary expenses you might face overseas. Be sure to exchange a little bit more than you initially budget for incase a surprise payment comes up; think of it like an emergency fund.

Before you head out on your journey, you’ll want to get the best USD exchange rates in Essex or the cheapest foreign money exchange in Southwestern Ontario to get the most value possible. After all, currency exchange is a commodity service – foreign currency received at one place has the same fiat value as the same amount obtained from another place. It’s for this reason that the most important factors that differentiate foreign exchange service providers are convenience and cost. To make matters simple, you can just use the bank as your provider of currency exchange in Essex, but there are other options out there that will give you better rates. One example is Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange, which will provide a fast, simple and convenient process along with the best currency exchange rates in Essex.

Places to Find Good Currency Exchange in Essex

If you are attempting to sort through different options for currency exchange in Essex, then you’ll find each choice falls into one of three groups: banks, franchises and independent brokers. For each option available to you, you’ll find a different set of positives and negatives that can determine the service that best fits your individual needs. Franchises and independent brokers compete for the best USD exchange rates in Essex, but you get significantly less comfort or security with most of the independent brokers. For banks, you sacrifice the chances of getting a great price for the security, familiarity and ease of use that you get with their exchange platform. These options will ultimately affect your decision making when it comes down to choosing just one provider, but you should consider an all-in-one. Fortunately for you, there is one company that exceptionally combines every positive aspect you may want while minimizing negatives. Knightsbridge FX gives you an easy, convenient and fast process along with the best currency exchange rates in Essex.


Closest Airport to Essex for Exchanging Currency

You may want to go to the airport for your currency exchange in Essex, but beware that you won’t be able to get the best currency exchange rates in Southwestern Ontario over there. Airport brokers are more likely based on convenience than the cost of rates because they are paying such high rent to operate within the airport. Think about all the other businesses in an airport – all of their product prices are inflated, and foreign exchange is no exception. Those businesses that you’d normally find much more affordable on the side of the road now have extremely high expenses from being located in an airport. If you’re driving from Essex your nearest airport in Canada is the London International Airport and they charge extremely high costs to businesses like all major airports. This means that airport exchange booths need a large markup to compensate for their massive overhead, and it results in the airport brokers not having the best foreign money exchange rates in Essex.


Exchanging Dollars at Public FX Kiosks in Essex

When you’re walking around town, you might spot a public exchange kiosk available to use for a quick and convenient currency exchange in Essex. These commonly-used and widely available kiosks are generally located in areas like shopping malls, popular tourist areas and hotels, as these are highly populated locations. While they aren’t full sized stores, these are still physical locations that come with rent and other fees related to owning a brick-and-mortar storefront. Some of these are maintenance, staffing, and the cost of coin inventory. As a result, if you’re expecting to receive the best foreign money exchange rates in Essex to be at one of these locations, then you’re likely to be disappointed.

If you’re interested in an independent broker, then the best thing to do is a bit of research on the broker you’re looking at. Make sure you scan their websites to ensure that they follow standard financial regulatory protocols to make sure you’re your money is safe with them. Reputable companies are insured in the event of financial loss, or they keep your money in an account that’s separate from cash flow operations. You’ll want to be sure they’re a legitimate operation, and one way you can assuredly check is to see if they require identification. If they don’t, that’s a broken government regulation and you’ll know not to use them. Even if they’re giving you the best currency exchange rates in Essex, if you can’t trust them then you should look elsewhere.


Exchanging Money with Essex Banks and Credit Unions

The most frequently used providers of currency exchange in Essex would be the major Canadian banks, although they aren’t necessarily the most ideal option for you. In most cases, each time you convert Canadian dollars at the bank you’re giving up competitive prices for the sake of simplicity. You aren’t getting the base rate at the bank, but instead a rate with markup usually of about 3%. This is a sizeable difference and keeps them far away from being able to provide the best foreign money exchange rates in Essex. Banks know they don’t have to be competitive with other exchange providers because of so many people are accustomed to defaulting to them, and as a result they can continue to make a lot of money without having to provide any of the best currency exchange rates in Essex.


Specialty Digital Currency Exchange Brokers

Different providers for currency exchange in Essex are constantly on the lookout for ways to offer deals that can bring in more customers. A couple of those methods used are to offer payment plans that either delay a lump sum, or make it payable in installments. Another is to offer lower rates for exchanging higher amounts of money, in other words the rate gets more favourable based on how much you transact. Offering the cheapest exchange rates on USD in town or the best foreign money exchange rates in Essex are the focus of Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange and we do that by maintaining very low overhead costs. Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange has no physical retail stores and as a result our expenses are significantly lower than most other exchange providers. The savings we enjoy allows us to give you the best currency exchange rates in Essex.


How to Get the Best Currency Exchange Rates in Essex

Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange customers enjoy savings of 1-2% on each exchange as compared to customers of the other leading providers of currency exchange in Essex. That’s a significant savings as every $100,000 would save you $2,000. That’s why we’re confident in saying that we have the best USD exchange rates in Essex and the best foreign money exchange rates in Essex. If you need to see more, then we suggest calling the bank or another leading exchange provider for an exchange rate. Then call us for a rate on the same currency and you’ll see that we have the best currency exchange rates in Essex.

All About Essex, Ontario

Essex is a town within a county of the same name that has a population of about 20,000. Essex is located on the southwestern most point in the province of Ontario. Not coincidentally, the largest community in the area is also called Essex. In fact, it is made up of several different communities including: Barretville, Ambassador Beach, Colchester, Belcreft Beach, Edgars, Festo, Essex Centre, Klie’s Beach, Harrow, Leslies Corner, Levergood Beach, Lypps Beach, McGregor, New Canaan, Marshfield, Paquette Corners, Seymour Beach, Oxley and Vereker. The town’s city limits extend all the way to Lake Erie.

There is one thing we all have in common: we understand the difference between having a reliable, fast and affordable exchange provider and not having one at all. For that reason, we are committed to providing the best service around Essex. We want everyone to give us a call at 1-877-355-5239 to view just how easy it is to book a cost-efficient exchange with KnightsbridgeFX. We’ll provide a rundown of our process that comes with a no-obligation quote for you to see what we’re all about. Alternatively, if you’re too busy to speak over the phone, you can also fill out our online application in just a few minutes!

To find other cities serviced by Knightsbridge please visit the Currency Exchange in Canada page.




  • In 1907, roughly 5000 pounds of nitro-glycerine exploded causing massive property damage in the town of Essex
  • The Essex 73’s is the most successful Junior C-level hockey team in the province
  • Essex actually has their own competitive jump rope team called the Essex Energizers
  • The Harrow Fair, held annually on labour day in Essex, is the oldest community fair in Ontario
  • Up until the late 20th century, Essex had a large infestation of crows

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