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Currency Exchange St. Thomas

For a year you’ve been planning the perfect vacation in another country, and finally the time has come for you to get some cash in the local currency. Do you just go to your bank for your currency exchange in St. Thomas? They’re easy enough to use, and familiar, but you should know you won’t be getting the best currency exchange rates in St. Thomas. However, you can use an alternative provider of currency exchange in St. Thomas, such as Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange. Our process is also fast, simple and safe to use, but you also get the best USD exchange rates in St. Thomas or the best foreign money exchange rates in St. Thomas as well.

Where to Exchange Currency in St. Thomas

When you start to dig beyond the major Canadian banks for other options for currency exchange in St. Thomas, you’ll start to find that there are also independent exchange brokers and currency exchange franchises. Each of these comes with their own collection of advantages and disadvantages that would help you determine what the best course of action is for you. Banks advantages come in the speed of the process, simplicity of the transaction and safety and security of your money. The main disadvantage is the exchange rates you’re paying are significantly higher than most other sources. For the independent brokers, the main advantage is you get better rates, having a chance to get the best USD exchange rates in St. Thomas or the best foreign money exchange rates in St. Thomas. And exchange franchise is typically a bit more in the middle, usually not being as extreme on either end of the advantages or disadvantages of the banks or independent brokers. Now, one provider out there, Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange, provides the best currency exchange rates in St. Thomas and an easy, fast and secure transaction.


Airport Near St. Thomas Currency Exchange Services

From St. Thomas, the nearest major airport is London International Airport and could be the place you’re considering for your currency exchange in St. Thomas.  The major benefit of exchanging currency at the airport is the convenience of it, but the negative is losing out on the best USD exchange rates in St. Thomas or the best foreign money exchange rates in St. Thomas. With an airport broker, their markups may even be larger than the banks, as they have to contend with and compensate for incredibly high rent fees. That markup means they won’t be able to offer the best currency exchange rates in St. Thomas.


Hotel Currency Exchange Services

Sometimes you may find a small kiosk available for currency exchange in St. Thomas, that is designed to be convenient and useful for both locals and tourists as you’ll usually find them in areas like tourist attractions, shopping malls or hotels. While they are very convenient, they may be deceptive in thinking you’ll get a great exchange rate, as they still have high expenses that require a significant markup. This means you’re very unlikely to get the best USD exchange rates in St. Thomas or the best foreign money exchange rates in St. Thomas. If your search for an exchange provider leads you to an independent broker (including an exchange kiosk), then doing research is a key part of protecting yourself and your money. The first thing you can is to check if they require I.D. for their exchanges. It’s a government regulation to need identification, and one that should be easy enough to follow. So, if they don’t, then it’s the easiest way to see not to trust or use them, even if they offer you the best currency exchange rates in St. Thomas.


Banks in St. Thomas Currency Exchange Services

If you dig into the state of the market for currency exchange in St. Thomas, you’ll find that the most commonly used provider are the banks. As they know this too, it plays to their advantage where they can use the knowledge of their continued patronage to keep their markups as high as they are or even increase them further. Without needing to compete for the best USD exchange rates in St. Thomas or the best foreign money exchange rates in St. Thomas, the money keeps flowing in. That’s why at Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange, we continue to focus on offering the best currency exchange rates in St. Thomas, to show Canadians there are other options out there, and to show banks that they won’t be able to continue adding large exchange rates forever.


St. Thomas Currency Exchange Brokers

It’s not uncommon knowledge to know that the banks have most of the consumer base for currency exchange in St. Thomas, and as a result the independent brokers and exchange franchises often try to devise alternative plans to bring in more exchange customers. Some examples include lowering your exchange rates if you exchange in bulk and offering exchanges with delayed payments or installed payment plans. If they can’t offer the best USD exchange rates in St. Thomas or the best foreign money exchange rates in St. Thomas, then it can be tough to convert more consumers and these deals can be a crucial part of maintaining business growth. Here at Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange, our first priority is to offer the best currency exchange rates in St. Thomas.  With an online-based business model, we skip out on the physical expenses and pass those savings to you!


How to Get the Best Currency Exchange rates in St. Thomas

Are you interested in saving 1-2% on average for your currency exchange in St. Thomas? Then join our KBFX customers and get the best currency exchange rates in St. Thomas. For every $100,000 to exchange, that’d be a $2,000 savings! You can see for yourself by calling us and your bank for an exchange rate on any currency to see first hand we have both the best USD exchange rates in St. Thomas and the best foreign money exchange rates in St. Thomas.


About St. Thomas

St. Thomas, Ontario, a city of about 38,000 people, is a city settled in 1810 before being incorporated as a village in 1852, a town in 1861 and a city in 1881. It falls under the London metropolitan area and was named after Thomas Talbot who helped the development of the area in the 19th century.


To find other cities serviced by Knightsbridge please visit the Currency Exchange in Canada page.

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